IT Support
On Your Doorstep

Need assistance with your home IT systems? Mobile devices not taking calls? Laptop freezing when you load your apps? Be assured, we’ll help. Our knowledge of how software and operating systems work allows us to provide you with the advice and answers to your technological problems.  Smart Home Stourbridge provides a friendly and efficient service for you, from a forgotten password to slow internet connection.

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Helping Hand?

Call Us now or get in touch using the contact form and we will come back to you as soon as possible.

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    Our service is here to make your experience with IT much easier to handle as we understand the stress that can be faced over a frozen screen. How irritating is it when your laptop continuously freezes? How deflating is it when you must consider buying a new laptop? And how defeated do you feel when see the prices you’ll have to pay?


    Our service means you won’t have to think of spending that money, as we will do everything to make sure the root of the problem is solved (we do not guarantee you won’t have to buy a new laptop if issues are past our control).


    Along with Laptop troubles, we will also make sure your mobile phone, no matter the brand, is being cooperative to your personal needs. We will work out the bug behind the questions and queries: ‘Why aren’t my calls coming through?’, ‘I cannot download any new apps’ and ‘my emails aren’t working’.


    We are confident in our ability, and you should be too.